Assured Club Checking

With an Assured Club Checking account you get the best protection, including dark web monitoring, ID theft protection, and credit monitoring. Plus, we offer roadside assistance to all our Assured Club members because you can rest assured that we care about where you're headed and we're here to get you there safely. There is a monthly $4.95 fee associated with this account, but it can be waived if the account meets certain criteria.

Basic Checking

Our Basic checking accounts are the perfect starting point when building your roadmap to financial success. Keep track of your money with online banking access and help from our Omaha checking account assistants and gain access to more than 70,000 surcharge-free ATMs across the nation with an easy banking option. No gimmicks, no frills, just an easy option for your everyday banking needs.

Money Market

With a Money Market account from Kellogg Credit Union in Omaha, savings accounts become a great option for everyone. With money market you get better rates and no fees, so your money works harder for you! This account is subject to a minimum balance, and it’s a perfect way to save smarter while still having access to all your hard-earned money.

Assured Club CheckingBasic CheckingMoney Market
Dividendwhite checkmarkwhite checkmark
Monthly Fee$4.95 (Can be waived)$0$0
Early Paywhite checkmarkwhite checkmark
Debit Cardwhite checkmarkwhite checkmark
ATM Networkwhite checkmarkwhite checkmark
Bill Paywhite checkmarkwhite checkmark
First Book of Checks Freewhite checkmarkwhite checkmark
Courtesy Paywhite checkmarkwhite checkmark
Paper Statementswhite checkmarkwhite checkmarkwhite checkmark
Electronic Statementswhite checkmarkwhite checkmarkwhite checkmark
Credit Monitoringwhite checkmark
ID Theft Protectionwhite checkmark
Credit Scorewhite checkmark
Credit Simulatorwhite checkmark
Roadside Assistancewhite checkmark
Cell Phone Protectionwhite checkmark
Rewards/Discountswhite checkmark
Health Savings Benefitswhite checkmark
Dark Web Monitoringwhite checkmark
Separate App/Websitewhite checkmark
Minimum Opening Deposit$50.00$5.00$1,500.00
Minimum Balance to Earn DividendNA$500.00$1,500.00